Support for the club
Sport England “Return to Play” Grant (2021)
Amount awarded £5300
In the Spring/Summer of 2021 the Foundry Mountaineering Club (CIC) received a grant from Sport England. The grant was awarded to support our efforts in helping members to return to climbing here at The Foundry on reopening on the April 12th.
Money was awarded to help fund:
Cleaning prior to opening for our “early bird” climbing sessions. We open at 08.00 Monday – Friday to provide a time where the centre has low usage encouraging members concerned about returning indoors after the lockdown to commence climbing with us.
Purchase more hire equipment to allow beginner and grassroot members to use appropriate climbing shoes. This purchase of shoes helps us more effectively and safely manage the risk of members wearing hire shoes during the pandemic.
Allow The Club to repay a proportion of the rent arrears that accumulated during 2020/21 National Lockdowns.